Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marc is Gone :'(

Marc being gone is upsetting. Even though we fight, we still love each other very much. It's a little sad that he wasn't here very often before he left. He didn't even say good-bye. :( I did get to say good-bye over the phone which isn't the best but at least it's something. I know that Arizona is where he needs to be right now. He recently called and said he missed one of his flights. He now has to stay over-night at the terminal and catch the soonest flight at 6:00 am. The positive side to him being gone: 1. I get to keep his fan aaaall 2. I won't have to worry about hiding my money 3. More peace in the house. The negative side to him being gone: 1. No one to go to when I have nightmares at night and Mom yells at me for waking her up 2.  No one to watch action movies with, late at night, on the couch (I pretend to hate it but I secretly love it when he's the one to ask me if I want to watch a movie instead of the other way around) 3. I can't yell at him for playing the same song on the piano over and over again to impress his friends. When he plays it loud enough, I sing to it which I can no longer do 4. No one to convince Mom if we can go to Taco Bell 5. No one to watch movies with and listen to Paramore music on road trips 6. Ever time someone left our house (yet again) for good there was always an empty spot. Nicole, Cherise, and Marc were always "The Littles" until I came along. They would all be off playing house while I would be in the other room playing with my Barbie Dolls by myself. When Nicole left for college it felt empty but not entirely because I wasn't that close to her. When Cherise left it felt REALLY empty because I was the closest to her. Then it was just Marc and I. The last two siblings in a house that used to be full of kids. We were both kind of off in our own little bubbles. When he left the first time, it didn't feel very different because when he lived there he was never THERE. But now that he's gone for the second time, I feel completely empty inside because I know that he's gone for good.


  1. I'm so sorry Cami, it will get better! Jst focus on the positives!!

  2. Cami! You are the most amazing lady I know. You are just a pure little sweet heart. We love you. You can ALWAYS count on us for whatever you need! We love love love you!

  3. Aw, Cami, that makes me sad. I'm sure that Marc knows how much you love him and I'm sure he will miss you, too. The only thing constant is change. Luckily, we were all born with the ability to adapt. It might be tough, but we can do it. You may be the last of the littles, but to all the nieces and nephews you are Cool Aunt Cami!! They will look up to you the same way you looked up to Cherise. When you go off to school in a few years, THEY will be the ones writing blog posts about all the things they will miss about you! It will get better. And if you get up in the middle of the night, there is always the computer. The middle of the night is only 9:00 here. I'm still up. :) (((HUGS!!)))

  4. Hey, to go with paige...I'm always awake! seriously. Don't think you can't call me. Plus we can both talk to eachother on the cell for free. I miss you tons Cam, and I know how special you are to the entire family. We would really go nuts without you! ;)
