Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's About Time Right?

  Alrighty blog, I realize I have been neglecting you just because of the mere fact of not knowing what to write about. Well, I guess that's just too bad because even if I have no idea what to say, I am DETERMINED to find something to rant about at least once a week. If I cannot possibly get to you that often then I'm sorry. But I'll sure try. So, we got to see Cherise on...Monday? Tuesday?? Something like that. But boy was it fun! It wasn't for that long. Just for two days. But it was pretty cool to see her. Especially when I don't know the next time I'll see her again! Cherise, if you are reading this, tell Karl that he better not keep you away from us! So anyway, it was exciting to tour Nauvoo for the third or fourth time in my life. Getting a brick, eating fudge, getting a prairie ring, ya know..the usual. The motel was pretty nice and very cheap too! woot woot, bonus!
  So, Michelle and Cherise kinda sorta attacked my bangs. These suckers will take some getting used to but oh well. I'll live.
  Ooo! So, I'm very very very excited about EFY! I'm psyched about the spiritual experiences, dances, and meeting new people! I will try to remember to post pictures.
  Well, I guess ta a' akotah nihah did oodi lech (that's all for now folks in Navajo).